May 5, 2024

Understanding the Impact of Quantum Computing on Cyber Security

Technology might have a predictable history, but it certainly has an uncertain future. The uncertainty has become more evident than in quantum computing. Quantum computing is not an alternative to classical computing – at least not at first. However, it has a potential complement for the specific application. A Deloitte report listed a plethora of applications that quantum computing approaches can transform. These include fluid simulation, financial risk analysis, credit underwriting, and supply chain optimization.

The list includes forecasting, vehicle routing, fault analysis, semiconductor chip, vehicle routing, and consumer product recommendations.

Quantum computing has a profound and game-changing impact on cyber security. It grasps a promising future in several areas, including artificial intelligence, medical research, and weather forecasting. It also has a considerable threat to cyber security, entailing a change in how to encrypt user data. Even though quantum computers do not technically have the potential to break current forms of encryption, users need to fight the threat and think of quantum-proof solutions.

The Scraping Threat

While the release of Quantum-proof data computers is uncertain, the threat from wicked actors scarping data is another reason to benefit from quantum-proof data. They steal data and hold onto it until they use a quantum computer to decrypt it. It means your data would have already been compromised. The quantum-proof solution is the only way to secure the data.

Quantum Threat to Cyber Security 

Quantum computers are more likely to solve problems that are too complex for classical computers to sort out. It includes solving the algorithms in the wake of encryption keys that can protect data and online infrastructure. Most encryption depends on mathematical formulas that require long hours to decode. It is not hard to come up with the product, but it is much harder to begin with a large number and factor it in its two prime digits.

On the other hand, quantum computers can factor those digits and split the code. Shor’s algorithm developed by peter Shor is a quantum algorithm that can factor large numbers more quickly than a traditional computer. Based on 2048-bit numbers, RSA encryption is handy in transmitting sensitive data online. Experts believe that a quantum computer may require 70 million qubits to break that encryption.

While IBM’s 53-qubit quantum computer is the largest quantum computing model today, it may be a long time before experts break that encryption. Many pieces of research about quantum computing are in process, but it is hard to discount the development of such a computer within the next three to five years. For example, Google reportedly discovered an order of magnitude is a more efficient way for quantum computing to execute the code-breaking calculations.

MIT Technology highlighted their work, demonstrating the potential of a 20 million qubit computer to break a 2048-bit number in just eight hours. These demonstrations indicate that continued breakthroughs like the mentioned one can work wonders.

Adding Cyber security to Deal With The Threat

Post-quantum cryptography (QPC) is a potentially new method. Another effective technique is quantum key distribution (QKD), which employs the properties of quantum physics to transfer a quantum key from one endpoint to another. In the beginning, this method was only convenient over fiber-optic cable, though Quantum Xchange can transfer it over the internet.

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