May 7, 2024

Internet of Things Hiring Levels Increase in the Automotive Industry

November 2021 saw an increase in the proportion of manufacturing and supply companies in the automotive industry for positions related to the internet of things (IoT), as opposed to the previous year. There were a 42.6% increase in hiring and companies recruited for at least one such position this year. This latest number is higher than 34.5% of firms who had been hiring people for the position of internet of things related jobs last year. This was also an increase from October 2021 because the figure had been around 38.7% then. As far as all job openings pertaining to the internet of things (IoT) are concerned, there had been an increase in these jobs in November 2021.

Of the total job advertisements that were posted, around 1.9% of them were linked to the internet of things (IoT). This figure had been the highest monthly figure that was recorded in the previous year. It is also an increase because in the same month last year, there were only 1.4% newly advertised jobs that had been related to the internet of things (IoT). According to Global Data, the internet of things is going to be a prominent disrupt force that companies would have to deal with in the coming years. Those companies that are already investing in this area and excelling in it are going to be better equipped for dealing with any unforeseen challenges and would be well-prepared for navigating the future business landscape.

A look at the job analytics globally shows that hiring of people for jobs related to the internet of things (IoT) is higher in the automotive manufacturing and supply companies, as opposed to other companies. The average for all companies for the month of November 2021 was around 0.7%, which is quite low. The job analytics database of GlobalData keeps track of the daily hiring patterns of thousands of firms all over the world. It takes into account jobs that are posted and also records additional layers of data, such as whether it is linked to any trends as well as the seniority of the position.

In other news pertaining to the automotive industry, Volvo Car UK recently announced the launch of a new car tracking accessory to provide its users with peace of mind. They have now introduced Vodafone Automotive VTS S5 for all the models of the Volvo, which offers vehicle tracking and recovery through their network of secure operating centers that are operational 24/7. Vodafone Automotive will partner with local police authorities in the UK and 44 more European countries.

It should be noted that the tracking device that Volvo has introduced is using Internet of Things (IoT) technology, for which it has partnered with Trinsic Connected Car and Vodafone. The security system has also been approved by Thatcham-Research, which increases the possibility of getting lower premiums for car insurance and would also give access to specific insurance products. It is also possible to prevent any false alerts because special modes have been provided that can be activated if the car is being transported or in a garage.

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