May 4, 2024

The Rise of AI in Women’s Healthcare: Symptom Checkers Empowering Women to Take Charge of Their Health

The Rise of AI Technology in Women’s Healthcare

AI is taking over in many fields, and as the 2022 boom started by ChatGpt continues to make waves across the globe, the attention is quickly turning to interest groups in AI. Many sets of people will utilize AI, and today we will look specifically at the broader category of how women will use AI in healthcare.

According to recent data, women in the UK are increasingly knowledgeable about AI technology. However, they still prefer to consult with real-life doctors. Despite technological advancements, this trend reflects the importance of human interaction in healthcare.

AI technology has led to greater access to medical information, empowering women to take charge of their health. However, they still value the expertise and personalized care only a real-life doctor can provide regarding medical advice and treatment.

Women Are Increasingly Using Symptom Checkers

According to Healthily in the UK, women aged 25-55 increasingly use medical symptom checkers to stay healthy. A recent study found that 41% of women in this age group would turn to these tools to learn about their health concerns.

The Times Newspaper says that about one in four adults cannot get a GP appointment when needed. Also, sixty-five percent of those already using the symptoms checkers was said to be because they wanted to stop wasting time with their GP earlier this year.

According to the survey conducted on 1500 US women using a consumer research platform, Attest by Healthily, there is a need to understand AI smart symptom checkers concerning self-care. It was found that eight to ten women in the survey strongly agreed that AI symptom checker works best when supported by professional doctors.

With NHS ETAs increasing and only ten minutes allocated to the patients, Professor Maureen says this approach can help reduce the burden on the NHS.

Among the said health conditions that were frequently checked using the symptom checkers were weight management 48%, allergies 46%

period pains 45%, and skin problems 52%. They found that women were more vigilant about using the symptom checker about more personal conditions such as changes to the breast (21%) and vaginal (22%)

UK women are said to be tech literate as they use technology to help maneuver the healthcare system more efficiently.

More than half of those women said they used a symptom checker to help them fact-finding to get the information they needed before visiting a doctor or a pharmacist.

The Role of Health Technology in Women’s Changing Attitudes Towards AI

According to professor Baker, health tech is progressing faster, as seen over the past months with all the hype regarding Chartgpt.

The finding in the survey it has suggested that women have shifted attitudes and trust toward AI to manage their health. The tech was evolving, and it has led more women to take care of their health needs.

This movement is due to the big societal changes since COVID-19 and the cost of living crisis; thirty-seven percent of women in the survey said they are more likely to use their phones for quick health solutions.

In the survey, sixty-three percent of women were said to be more confident in making decisions about self-care at home if they had support from a symptom checker.

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